Damcos KF/KFR Linear Single-acting spring-closing Actuator
The Damcos KF/KFR is a linear single-acting spring-closing Actuator that is equipped with a unique emergency system.
The Damcos KF/KFR is a linear single-acting spring-closing Actuator that is equipped with a unique emergency system. The Damcos KF and KFR are operated by hydraulic pressure. The output spindle is lifted, which opens the valve, and the spring package is compressed.
When released, the spindle closes on the valve with end closing thrust (spring) of 1500 – 16500 Nm. When the hydraulic pressure is not available in an emergency, a built-in manual hand pump can be used to operate the Actuator.
Unique and simple design with built-in crossover valve
Easy installation on intermediate flange at globe valve
Same unit for several valve sizes
Will operate in sea air as well as sea water
No external moving parts during operation
Prepared for direct built-on modular control functions or LPU
Built-in hydraulic emergency operation for KFR
Direct visual position indication
Electrical on/off or continuous position indication IP 68
Connection block with e.g. filter
Throttle valve
Quick connection for emergency operation with portable hand pump
LPU mounting.
Damcos was formerly known as Danfoss Marine Systems and Nordisk Marine Hydraulik.
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