The Noris VTK5 Measuring Transducer is designed to measure the temperature of a NiCr-Ni-type K thermocouple according to EN60584-1. A reference junction that is needed for temperature measuring with thermocouples is integrated in the measuring transducer. There is no external reference sensor required. It is necessary that the compensating line is extended to the Transducer.
Straightforward application
Suitable for severe operating conditions
Compact construction
Galvanic isolation between sensor input and output signal to the operating voltage
Provision made for fi ne adjustment of measuring range
Anti-tamper seal for the fine adjustment
Short-circuit-proof output selectable from 0-10 V/DC, 2-10 V/DC, 0-20 mA, 4-20 mA
Reference junction for temperature compensation integrated
Broken-wire monitoring of input signal
Operating characteristics displayed by integrated LED
Flame-inhibiting and self-extinguishing body
Suitable thermocouples are available.