Spectrex 20/20L (LB) UV/IR Flame Detector
The Spectrex 20/20L (LB) is a combined UV and IR Flame Detector which employs a solar blind UV sensor with a narrow band IR sensor to provide excellent sensitivity combined with enhanced immunity to false alarms (solar blind).
The Spectrex 20/20L (LB) is a combined UV and IR Flame Detector which employs a solar blind UV sensor with a narrow band IR sensor to provide excellent sensitivity combined with enhanced immunity to false alarms (solar blind).
The Spectrex 20/20L Flame Detector has a 20 msec response to a saturated signal. The Spectrex 20/20L(LB) can detect hydrocarbon basedfuel and gas fires, hydrogen, hydroxyl fuels, metal and inorganic fires.
UV/IR Dual-Sensor
High-speed response
20 msec response to saturated signal
User programmable configuration
Immune to false Alarms (solar blind)
Automatic and manual Built-In-Test (BIT) – LB
Standard 4-wire connection.
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