The Autronica BSE-320 is an Input Module providing 8 non-monitored and galvanically isolated inputs for digital input devices and other controlling inputs. The Autronica BSE-320 is easily plugged onto a mounting rail inside of the fire alarm control panel/controller.
The inputs of the BSE-320 have a common connection to an external source, 24 VDC. Each input is activated by pulling the terminal to 0V, typically by an open collector output. The Autronica BSE-320 will automatically detect its own address, no dipswitch or jumper settings are required. The module is intended to be mounted in a closed cabinet. Ambient light should be avoided.
Provides 8 non-monitored and galvanically isolated inputs
Easily plugged onto each other or onto other I/O modules on a standard mounting rail
Automatic addressing
Designed to meet EN 54 requirements and conforms to CE standards.