Tyco 711H 516.900.103 Rate-of-Rise 60°C Heat Detector

The Tyco 711H 516.900.103 Rate-of-Rise 60°C Heat Detector is the new replacement for the Tyco 601PH-M 516.600.202.

The Tyco 711H 516.900.103 Rate-of-Rise 60°C Heat Detector is the new replacement for the Tyco 601PH-M 516.600.202.

The Tyco 711H 516.900.103 is heat detector which uses rate-of-rise and fixed temperature sensing. The Tyco 711H is a heat detector in the category A1R. A1 denotes a static response temperature of 54°C to 65°C (EN54-5). The suffix R denotes a rate-of-rise characteristic, but the fixed element provides a backstop for fires where the temperature builds up gradually.

The Tyco 711H is used in conventional two-wire detection systems, where the detectors are normally connected in zones. Each detector samples the ambient air every 5 seconds and if a fire condition is detected, a signalling current is drawn from the zone causing the Control and Indicating Equipment (fire alarm panel) to provide an alarm response for that zone.

Use both rate-of-rise and fixed temperature sensing
Category A1R heat detector
Designed for use in conventional two wire detection systems



Operating temperature

-20 to 70°C (-4 to 158°F)

Relative Humidity

95% non-condensing

Storage temperature

-25°C – 80°C







IP Rating


SKU: 516.900.103 Categories: , , Tag:

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