The Apollo 55000-291APO is a Multi-Tone, red body, red flash, Open-Area sounder/beacon, designed for indoor use (indoor Type A). The Apollo 55000-291APO can be connected to any XP95 or Discovery System. The 55000-291APO sounder is powered directly from the loop, and does not need an external power supply. It operates at 18-28VDC and is polarity sensitive.
The sounder reaches a nominal sound output of 100dB(A) at a current consumption of 9mA. THe maximum number of sounders that can be connected to a loop should be determined by a loop loading calculation using the Apollo Loop Calculator
two volume settings 92dB(A) and 100dB(A)
synchronisation of alert and evacuate tones
individual & group addressing
available with or without built-in isolator
weatherproof version available
three tones on standard devices; Apollo, slow whoop and DIN all of which comply with EN54-3:20013
IP66 rated
Loop powered