Damcos 160L8102 Solenoid Valve

The Damcos 160L8102 is a solenoid valve, designed for directing and stopping flow at any point in a hydraulic system.

The Damcos 160L8102 is a solenoid valve, designed for directing and stopping flow at any point in a hydraulic system.

Efficient control of greater hydraulic powers without increasing solenoid power consumption.
Installed cost and space savings from higher power/ weightand-size ratio.
„Reduced internal leakage reduces power losses, increases system efficiency: the result of improved manufacture of spools and bores.
Installation flexibility resulting from choice of numerous combinations of solenoid connectors and locations.
Multi-fluid capability without need to change seals.
„Higher sustained machine productivity and higher up-time because of proven fatigue life and endurance, tested over 20 million cycles.

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