Eltek Delta Compact Quad 4 loops w/eBus – (251805.4)
The Eltek Delta Compact Quad 4 (251805.4) is a centralized Detection and Alarm Module for Esser Detectors and complies with EN 54.2 and EN 54.4.
The Eltek Delta Compact Quad 4 (251805.4) is a centralized Detection and Alarm Module for Esser Detectors and complies with EN 54.2 and EN 54.4. The unit consists of DELTA OP (Operator Panel), DELTA DA module, Power Supply, eBus Communication Kit and Batteries. By means of eBus the Delta Compact can communicate directly via a network to other Delta Units.
The alarm-transfer kit for the Delta Compact must be used if the unit is hooked up to a network that has alarm transmission in accordance to EN54.
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